Brant County spent the week preparing for the devastating effects of a terrible wind storm.
BRANT COUNTY - Brant County has been paying attention to all of the natural disasters happening around the world in 2017.
They have been practicing emergency preparedness exercises this week with County staff, emergency workers and medical professionals. Mayor Ron Eddy says they do this kind of training every year.
"This year, the focus of our training exercise is to practice a coordinated response in the event of a strong wind storm that resulted in residents losing electricity for extended periods of time and managing significant debris on roadways."
Fire Chief Michael Seth says it is crucial to be prepared when you are hit with a natural disaster.
"The exercise and training are required by the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. It is based on mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery which are the pillars of effective Emergency Management."
County CAO Paul Emerson says they like to plan ahead for the worst case scenario.
"This type of training prepares us for the worst case scenario so that we can begin to update plans to help mitigate the impacts to the community. It prepares us to respond to citizens in an organized manner. This increases the likelihood of effectively assisting people that have been impacted, restoring services sooner and ensuring surroundings are safe."
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