Woodingford Lodge in Woodstock is hosting another information session for their groundbreaking family transition program.
WOODSTOCK - A team from Oxford County's Woodingford Lodge has developed a new transition program for new residents and their families.
Forging a better path to long-term care is designed to to help alleviate common stressors, depression and responsive behaviours related to moving into long-term care. The idea of moving out of the comfort of one’s home, or losing one’s independence can be stressful and even frightening.
Supervisor of Behavioural Supports for the County of Oxford Mark Dagger says this is the first of it's kind in Canada.
"When we did our research and our data collection, it is the first of it's kind in Canada. Where it differs from other programs is it is a program that not only supports the individual waiting for placement for long term care but actively supports the family as well. The concept behind the program is having the individuals coming to long term care, to have a meal in our dining space, participate in our programs well beforehand, that is what makes it different, is you are actually participating in the long term care home that you may reside in some day."
The Family Transition Program is for individuals in Oxford County who are 18 years of age or older and are waiting for permanent placement into a long-term care facility of their choice. Key features include completion of a supportive community screening; ensuring required services and community supports are in place prior to the individuals admission into long-term care; and finally, a review of life and medical history, previous agency involvement, and any access needed to continue those services for the individual once they have entered their new long-term care residence.
Anyone looking for more information is asked to attend a free session at the Woodingford Lodge in Woodstock on Wednesday August 14th, from 6-8 pm. PSW Tina Gray says the information session is great for anyone thinking about joining the program.
"Anyone that is thinking about going on a list for long term care, even if you are not there yet, you are just thinking about it, it's great information on how to get on that list, how to navigate some of the systems out there. We have a lot of supports in the community that sometimes people are not awareness. In partnership with the Alzheimer's society, we have different avenues for people to actually get their questions answered. Anyone who is on a long term care list, or is struggling, or is scared of going on a long term care list, those are the people who need to come and get that information because I think it does take away some of the fear that comes with going into a long term care home."
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