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Provincial Vehicle Fatality Totals for 2016

OPP investigated 275 fatal collisions that resulted in a combined death total of 307 in 2016.

The OPP Traffic Data for 2016 reveals increases in a majority of the fatality categories.

OPP investigated 67,372 motor vehicle collisions last year. Officers say 275 of those collisions resulted in a combined fatality total of 307.

It was a deadly winter for snowmobile drivers in Ontario. OPP are reporting 26 snowmobile deaths, the highest record in over 10 years. Officers attribute the deaths to speeding, driver inattention and losing control. 17 of the 26 fatalities were people between the ages of 45 and 64. OPP add 12 of the deaths took place in February alone.

OPP say 2016 also had the highest number of marine fatalities in three years. Provincial Police investigated a total of 19 incidents with a combined total of 23 deaths. 19 of those deaths can be attributed to lack of wearing or improper use of a life-jacket. Officers add falling overboard was the primary cause of nine of the incidents. Capsized or swamped vessels caused seven of them and eight were alcohol related.

The number of fatal off road vehicle incidents in Ontario skyrocketed. OPP investigated 22 incidents with a combined total of 22 fatalities in 2016. This is compared to 14 incidents with 14 deaths in 2015. Officers say more than half of the incidents were alcohol or drug related and nine of the victims were not wearing a helmet.

Although the number of motorcycle collisions was down, the number of fatalities still exceeds 2015. OPP responded to 749 motorcycle crashes, 31 of them being fatal. 2016 also set the record for the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in more than 12 years with 39. The motorcyclist fatality total was 31.

The number of transport truck collisions saw little change last year. OPP investigated 5,357 collisions; 57 of them being fatal. 67 people died in those fatal collisions, 11 of them being transport truck drivers. OPP investigated 5,381 transport truck collisions in 2015 with 56 fatal collisions ending the lives of 71 people.

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