The Project Green Light Campaign encourages drivers to pull over for volunteer firefighters with their green lights flashing.
TILLSONBURG - If you spot a vehicle with a green light flashing, you should really pull over.
That's the message the Tillsonburg Fire Service is trying to get across, with the Project Green Light campaign.
Volunteer firefighters turn the lights on in their everyday vehicles, whenever they are called out to an emergency.
Firefighter Dave Metselaar says every second counts.
"We can't break the speed limit; we can't blow through stop signs or red lights because we have to follow the rules of the road. Those extra few second of the firefighters responding in their car could get the fire truck out sooner."
Metselaar says they have posted information signs throughout the town in hopes of spreading the word.
"Hopefully people will see them and when they see the firefighters coming they'll pull over for us."
You can spot the signs on the welcome billboard coming into the town. They're also posted on no parking signs around the fire hall.
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