If all goes well, we could see the end of the avian flu quarantine zones soon maybe even next week.
If all goes well, we could see the end of the avian flu quarantine zones soon.
Farmers have felt the pinch for the last three months after the first case of H5 was discovered on a turkey farm back in April. Soon after, the virus was also discovered on a broiler chicken farm and a second turkey farm within the county.
To stop the illness from spreading, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency put up two 10 kilometre control zones: the first control zone included 29 farms, while the second held 25.
But it could all be behind us now - cleaning and disinfecting efforts were completed on June 29th and July 8th respectively. After a 21 day waiting period, if no more cases of the virus are reported, the quarantine would be lifted. That means the first zone could be eliminated as early as next Monday, and the second area would be cleared on the 29th of this month.
Throughout the investigation, 75 000 birds were humanely destroyed to prevent the spread of disease.
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