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Rabies Drop In Norwich

Rabies vaccine bait. Photo Credit: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Norwich Township residents may have spotted some helicopters from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry dropping tiny packets.

NORWICH TOWNSHIP - The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is in the midst of their rabies drop program in Southern Ontario.

Their helicopters flew over Norwich Township over the weekend, dropping toonie sized, dark green rabies immunization packets.

The baits smell like vanilla, in order to draw raccoons, skunks and foxes in.

Spokesperson Kate Jordan says the bait itself is not poisonious.

"The formula is a vegetable based fat. So there's wax, icing sugar, there's vegetable oil in there, there's sweetning flavours and then they're dyed with food dye a dark green colour. So the ingredients as you can see are safe for comsumption."

Although they're considered safe, Jordan says you still shouldn't eat them.

"They are not harmful to people or pets. However, we do reccomend that if they are ingested for whatever reason that you contact the doctor or your vet as a precaution."

The Ministry started doing rabies drops in June and they should wrap up in October. They have dropped over 300 rabies baits since 2015.

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