Wednesday is being billed as Random Acts of Kindness Day for Tori Stafford who should be celebrating her 20th birthday.
WOODSTOCK - Victoria Stafford would have turned 20 years old on Wednesday.
Tori was killed in a horrific murder that shocked the community over 10 years ago. She was kidnapped outside of her school in Woodstock in 2009 when she was just 8 years old. The community still mourns her loss to this day.
Tori's father, Rodney Stafford still lives in Woodstock and is asking everyone to perform a random act of kindness on Wednesday.
"Performing acts of kindness, it's who Victoria was and the 20th birthday is a huge milestone in anyone's life. Rather than focusing on all the negative going on in the world and in Canada with COVID, we just want everyone to get out for a day and just be kind to each other. Try to get it back to where we used to be where everybody loves their neighbour. I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get that going."
Stafford says there is no pressure and endless possibilities to do something nice on Wednesday.
"Just do the same sort of thing Victoria used to do, help tidy up around different places, take a neighbours dog for a walk, hang out with somebody you haven't hung out with for awhile, make a phone call to someone you haven't talked to in awhile, try to bring people back together."
Stafford wanted to thank everyone for their support during a difficult time.
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