Over 500 residents of Woodstock were surveyed for the Recreational Facility Needs Assessment study that is being used to guide city staff on the future of recreational facility needs in Woodstock.
WOODSTOCK - The top request from the Woodstock's Recreational Facility Needs Report yielded a desire for three lit baseball diamonds for the Woodall Recreation Complex. Over 500 residents of Woodstock were surveyed for the Recreational Facility Needs Assessment study that is being used to guide city staff on the future of recreational facility needs in Woodstock.
Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Woodstock Brian Connors explained the top selections chosen by respondents.
"Three lit ball diamonds at Woodall came out as number one also redeveloping playgrounds in communities that have dilapidated over the years so to keep building that up and putting in a spray pad in a different location."
The survey participants voted overwhelmingly in favour of constructing playgrounds with 77 percent of respondents in favour of constructing playgrounds in underserviced areas.
Connors said they were looking at a number of areas to determine the future of recreation in Woodstock in the next five years.
The study also revealed that 25 per cent of respondents were in favour of decommissioning Lion's Pool at the end of its life span. Woodstock Council chose to investigate further options regarding the Lions Pool and other outdoor water recreation facilities
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