The County will no longer accept recyclables in plastic bags
OXFORD COUNTY - The County of Oxford has begun enforcing its recycling policy of only accepting recyclables from blue boxes. An advertising campaign was issued two months ago to warn residents over radio and through the paper of the impending changes. The County is no longer accepting recyclables placed in plastic bags for a number of reasons. Ingersoll Councillor Kristy Van Kooten-Bossence said the company that does the recycling cannot process plastic bags and plastic bags create 'contamination issues.' Van Kooten-Bossence doesn't want people to get discouraged from recycling though. "We want you to recycle but you need to do it by the rules now, you need to have the recycling blue boxes instead of the bags."
Blue Boxes can be purchased from the city for around 5 dollars a piece. City Engineer Sandra Lawson points out the cost of a blue box is less then continually having to buy plastic bags.
Other recycling alternatives include recycling drinking cans and bottles to the Beer Store or other places that will accept them. Recycling is a County responsibility that was taken over in 2002.
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