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Reduced Loads On The Roads

Photo Credit: Ontario Provincial Police

The Oxford OPP wants you safe and informed on the roads during this seasons spring thaw.

OXFORD COUNTY - As the spring thaw hits Oxford County, it marks the beginning of reduced load season.

During the winter, water freezes and expands under the pavement of the roadways. Once the spring thaw hits, the road sinks and settles in all kinds of damaging ways. This includes wash-boarding (the rough ripples in the surface gravel), the classic wheel busting potholes, and pavement deterioration. These kinds of road hazards wreak havoc on a vehicles suspension and cause dangerous issues with handling.

The Oxford County reduced load season runs from March 1, 2025, and April 30, 2025. The local roadways that require reduced loads are marked with signage.

Members of the Oxford OPP will be patrolling these roads for enforcement and education. Police want to remind drivers that traffic safety is everyone's responsibility. Please abide by the rules of the road and drive according to the weather and road conditions.

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