LHSC Chief of Surgical Oncology to speak at Prostate Cancer support group meeting.
WOODSTOCK - A local support group is inviting the public to come and hear a renowned Canadian urologist speak on prostate cancer.
Dr. Joseph Chin, chief of surgical oncology at the London Health Sciences Centre will speak at the Prostate Cancer Support Group monthly meeting Monday at South Gate Centre.
Co-Facilitator John Hunt, who is a patient of Dr Chin, says he expertise is immeasurable. "He's a urologist but he holds many positions within the Royal College of Surgeons and he always comes with a very interesting presentation on the newest things that are happening in cancer treatment for prostate patients and new surgeries or other options that he's aware of."
Dr Chin, who has been recognized for performing world first procedures to successfully treat prostate cancer, has spoke to the group in the past and will once again hold a question and answer period following the his presentation Monday night.
The event begins at 7:30 pm at South Gate Centre.
As Hunt points out, the group focuses on the person that's just been diagnosed or the survivors of prostate cancer but their spouses, adult children and caregivers are welcomed to attend.
However anyone is welcomed to attend that is looking to learn more about prostate cancer or is interested - in this case - to hear Dr Chin make his presentation.
More information can be found by calling the Canadian Cancer Society office in Woodstock at 519-537-5592.
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