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Jeff Cain

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  • 519-537-1047

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Residents Without Water Meters Could Face Read Fee or Flat Rate

Oxford County is considering a manual read fee or flat rate charge for people who do not have new water meters.

Oxford County council will be getting a report from Public Works asking for a manual read fee and flat rate charge for residents who do not accept the new water meters. 

Not everyone has signed on to the new water meters being installed by the County at all water systems in Oxford except for Woodstock. Woodstock had their readers installed in 2009 and a similar fee resulted in them reaching a 99.5 percent compliance rate. Warden David Mayberry tells Heart FM why they want to install a fee for not using the automatic reading equipment. 

"The fees aren't really set yet but the potential is a $100 flat rate or a $200 flat rate if you are hooked up to both systems for water and waste water and the reason for those fees is fairly simple: what we want to do is to encourage people to become part of the full County system of an electronically measured water meter so that everybody pays their fair share and those who are trying to conserve water are rewarded for that." 

Mayberry says they are also going to look at offering low interest loans to water customers who require plumbing repairs before the new meters can be installed. 

"We are looking at putting in a program where people could get a small loan from the County over a period of 5 years so they could pay for whatever plumbing upgrade they need just to install a meter - probably something like a $1,000 loan or a $2,000 loan, something like that, that people could pay back relatively easy." 

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