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Rethink Your Drinking

Superbowl fans who are toasting victory or drowning defeat are reminded to stay within safe drinking guidelines.

With football fans amped up for Superbowl parties, Oxford Public Health reminds everyone to rethink their drinking.

The Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines sets out parameters for men and women who choose to indulge in alcohol ever now and then. The guide states men should consume no more than three drinks a day for a total or no more than fifteen drinks a week - for women they recommend no more than two drinks a day for a total of no more than ten drinks a week.

A survey has found that 55% of Oxford County residents over the age of nineteen exceed these limits.

As people prepare for those Superbowl parties, Public Health Nurse Jacqueline Deroo says its okay to go over, but you should still try to stick close to those limits.

"Say it is a special occasion - you're really encouraged not to go over three for women and four for men in one sitting - like one day."

Deroo says it's also important to know the difference between types of alcohol - a standard drink of wine looks different than a standard beer.

You can find more information at rethinkyourdrinking.ca

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