Reuseapaloozaha is a free swapping market and it will takeover the Lions Ball Park in Sweaburg this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
OXFORD COUNTY - A fun way to recycle is back with the return of Reuseapaloozaha.
The event works as a free swapping market, where you can bring any items in your home you want to get rid of.
Organizer for the event Bryan Smith says the event started a couple of years ago as an alternative way to recycle.
"Somebody had the fabulous idea that what we should do is recover resources, recycle more, trade things, share things, and have wonderful community events around all the access goods we have rather than see them go to dumps."
Smith added that the event is fun for all ages.
"You see the kids running around, playing with everything and they see if mom or dad will let them bring anything home. Sometimes you'll see couples sneaking stuff into the car, it's all good fun."
The event is taking place on Saturday at Lions Ball Park in Sweaburg from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
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