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Roads Budget

This winter has caused the City of Woodstock to already ask for an increase in their roads budget

This winter is doing a number on the City's Roads budget. 

City Engineer Harold de Haan says with the majority of major snow falls coming on weekends and holidays it costs the city even more in overtime.

"We are increasing the snow control budget about $125,000 for this year and if things keep going the way they've been going that's not even going to be enough."

The City's road's budget runs from January to December so there are several months left to go. 

de Haan also says there is a shortage of road salt in the area as well. 

While he says the City wont run out, supplies are tight.

"The salt suppliers have basically stopped supplying to private companies and are now only supplying to municipalities. Our salt and sand supply right now looks good, we had some left over from last winter also. We are using it sparingly but we hope to have enough to last us through the winter."

de Haan says although there is a shortage, the cost for more salt wont increase as the city does have contracted rates. 

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