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Roch Carrier Students Compete In Plastic Bag Grab Challenge

Roch Carrier students are looking for all those plastic bags you've accumulated as they compete in the Plastic Bag Grab Challenge.

WOODSTOCK - Senior Kindergarten students at Roch Carrier in Woodstock are celebrating Earth Week by collecting plastic bags. 

Teacher Emma Squire-Smith says the students are taking part in the Plastic Bag Grab Challenge in conjunction with the Recycling Council of Ontario. 

"My students are heading up this eco initiative. So basically we're just doing it for the next week and then afterward we are bringing the plastic bags to Wal*Mart and the school with the most in Ontario, there are certain prizes for first, second, and third."

Only plastic shopping bags count toward the overall numbers. So far the students have been able to collect over a thousand bags, getting them closer to those big prizes according to Squire-Smith.

"The school in each province and territory that collects the most plastic bags for recycling per capita is eligible to win a top prize of $3,000 to support environmental initiatives for their school. Second and third place winners are eligible to receive $2,000 and $1,000."

Students are also taking this opportunity to learn about the impact plastic bags have on the environment. They have until the end of the week to amass as many bags as possible.

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