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Safety Improvements Coming to Punkeydoodles Corners

Photo Credit: Google Maps

Oxford County Council has signed off on a $1.08-million construction contract that will fund several safety-related improvements for Punkeydoodles Corners.

PUNKEYDOODLES CORNERS - It's official, changes are on the horizon for Punkeydoodles Corners.

Oxford County Council has awarded a $1.08 million construction contract, which will fund several safety-related improvements. This includes new lighting and reducing the number of intersections.

Warden Marcus Ryan says they're also going to improve the sightlines by reprofiling the elevations of some of the roads.

"In some cases when you come up to an intersection you're kind of pointing upward and it's not really easy to see in different directions where traffic might be coming from."

He adds this work is long overdue.

"This is an intersection that anybody who has travelled it for years will tell you it can sometimes feel not that safe and there is evidence that at times it is not safe, there have been fatalities at the intersection."

The construction will start sometime in July and it should wrap up in November. 

But even once all of the changes are made, Warden Ryan says it's up to the drivers out there to make sure they're being safe on the roads.

"We need to do better at intersections, but unfortunately the reality is no matter how much better we do at intersections, it really depends on people keeping their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road. We can change sightlines, we can improve lighting, we can put in rumble strips, we can do all of these things, but if people are not paying attention when they approach an intersection there will be more accidents."

Punkeydoodles Corners borders Perth County and Waterloo Region, so those municipalities will each pay about a third of the construction contract.

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