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Sampling Oxford's Finest

The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce invites you to be their guest for Forks and Corks.

WOODSTOCK - Local vendors will be offering a little of a lot during the annual Forks and Corks event.

Attendees will be able to wander the Oxford Auditorium trying different dishes, sweets, and liquor throughout the three hour event.

Interim General Manager of the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce Deb Masters says those 'sample sizes' are quite generous.

"Doors open at six o'clock, it goes 'til nine o'clock and the time goes fast. We have thirty-plus venders, growing every day, and by the time you get around once, once and a half, twice nine o'clock comes pretty quick."

The tickets for the February 15th event cost $50 and can be purchased at the Chamber Office from Tuesday-Thursday, at Brokerlink, Woodstock Print & Litho, or from any manager from East Side Mario's.

More information can be found at woodstockchamber.ca

Anderson GM and Kia is the premier sponsor for this year, HeartFM is also a sponsor.

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