The Carnegie Building in Ingersoll is getting a second chance.
INGERSOLL - A group of citizens have banded together to save the historic library built by the late philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1910.
The Carnegie building was determined to be a health hazard and the tenants evicted due to the potential of hazardous substances residing in the building.
The price tag for restoration was in the hundreds of thousands.
While the incoming group of saviours aren't forking out money to restore the building they are making sure it doesn't get bulldozed. "I don't want to see another building gone, I want to make sure that all of our heritage treasures are maintained and our living buildings with things actually happening in them to...," said Chair of the Save the Carnegie Building Committee, Steve Caskey.
Caskey adds that currently there is no heritage designation for the property and the city could tear it down if they wanted to. "It's their building, I suppose when it comes down to it," Caskey said. "I think it would be very unpleasing to the community if they turned around tomorrow and ploughed it under. At this point in time they could concievably, it's not a heritage building."
Caskey says that part of the group's efforts would be making it a heritage building so that no one could plough it under. In the meantime council discussed the maintenance of the building now that the building is vacant.
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