The Ontario Government is slashing millions of dollars in funding for education programs.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Ontario Government is slashing millions of dollars in funding for education programs.
The $25 million dollars in cuts will come from the Education Programs Other fund. The fund gives schools money for things like tutors and leadership and the cuts will impact each school board differently as the boards don’t all provide the same programs under the fund.
Some of the programs that will be at risk include tutors in classrooms and extra services for Indigenous and otherwise racialized students.
The Thames Valley District School Board has released the following statement on the cuts:
"We are unsure of the total amount of funding impact to Thames Valley as we are anticipating revised funding will be forthcoming. The full impact of this reduction in funding is yet to be understood. We are waiting to understand the focus of this government. What has been announced to date is not material to our Board, but we are waiting for additional information.
We have been through this before and will support our students and staff through the uncertainty. Student achievement and well-being remains our priority and we will continue to utilize our resources to support our students."
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