37 of the County's 42 schools host a School Nutrition program
WOODSTOCK - The need for school nutrition programs is growing in the County.
One third of elementary and two thirds of secondary students come to school without having had breakfast with additional students coming without an adequate lunch.
Those are just some of the statistics given Tuesday at the School Nutrition Partnership Kickoff Breakfast.
The program ensures that every school has food available for students if they need it free of charge.
School Nutrition Program Coordinator Lynda Metcalfe says this program doesn't discriminate and no explanation needs to be given when children are hungry and need food.
"We have 37 schools that have a program and the goal is to have every school in Oxford County with a program. We have already been contacted by three of them so by the end of the year 42 hopefully will be involved."
Metcalfe says while they do get government support, it's only 12-14 cents per child.
"We cannot do these programs without community support."
The Oxford Program received $27,000 this year from First Ontario Credit Union's Blue Wave Program, $15,000 from a private foundation, $1250 from Meridian Credit Union.
Metcalfe says the United Way is the backbone of the program and last year donated $45,000.
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