Havelock Corners residents concerned about water and sewer line costs
OXFORD COUNTY- Around 50 residents of the small rural community Havelock Corners showed up to Oxford County Council.
Their concerns regarded a letter which was received one month ago on August 20th that was sent out to around 75 residents. The contents came as a shock to residents- the County of Oxford letter having assessed an 11 thousand dollar cost per household for water and sewer lines built in front of their homes back in 2012. This did not include costs associated with hook up to the service lines. Many households already had existing well and septic systems in place and did not need the new service.
Back in 2006, Havelock Corners was annexed as apart of Woodstock, around the same time the nearby Senator Home subdivision plans were in the works. The subdivision required access to a sewer and water line. Bob Watson, a Havelock Corners resident who spoke on behalf of the concerned group of residents claims the "reason the high pressure sewage line from Innerkip was stopped at 14th line was to service the proposed Senator Home subdivision and the Golda developments subdivision on the 17th line."
Fast forward to 2014, it has been three years since the sewer-water lines were completed and residents just received a hefty letter that requires payment of the lump sum within two months or risk having the cost added on to their taxes at an additional 4 per cent interest rate. Watson says many of these people are retired or on fixed incomes, "We knew it was going in, we knew it was to service Innerkip sewage and Senator Home subdivision and Golda Home developments, we had no idea that they would be hitting us with this big of a charge-- $11, 200 and that doesn't include hook up fees."
County Warden Don McKay said, "It (sewer/water lines) was built to the capacity to serve these residents and that's what we are looking to charge out to them, their portion of the capital costs to build that."
Watson's presentation to council requested that an explanation of the assessment cost and the information it was based on be provided to the group for analysis. McKay says the costs of the construction have been distributed, "The biggest portion of the costs will be picked up by the new development and also the village of Innerkip that uses that trunk line for waste water, have also been charged and they have paid their portion." The total cost of the infrastructure was over 3 million dollars and according to a report from Public Works there was no impact on the 2014 budget.
In the same agenda, a by-law was put forth at county council for approval to bill benefitting property owners for the extension of water and sanitary sewer services in 2011 and 2012. Councillor Sandra Talbot moved a successful motion to defer the by-law decision until information could be provided to the affected residents.
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