There are many forms of Elder Abuse, a presentation at Chartwell will educate the public on the types.
WOODSTOCK - A presentation coming to Woodstock is set to teach about elder abuse.
Chartwell Oxford Gardens will host It's Not Right on Tuesday at 2pm.
The educational session will be geared towards bystanders to help them notice the signs of elder abuse.
They want it to be known that elder abuse can be in more ways than just physical.
Sheila Schuehlein of Elder Abuse Ontario will be the presenter trying to get people to start the conversation.
She explains the goal of the presentation.
"It is, 'It's Not Right' education around elder abuse. Creating awareness for bystanders who might be seeing things that don't make them feel comfortable with interactions around older adults they care about and we just want to encourage them to have conversation."
Schuehlein says these conversations are important to help stop elder abuse.
"So if we don't have those conversations and let people that we care and let the elder adults know that there is someone looking out for them, it's really hard to make a difference in the world of elder abuse."
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