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Snow Job Plows Over Sidewalk Issue

City Councillor Jim Northcott says he's "shocked" that his fellow councillors don't want to take a look at keeping Woodstock's sidewalks cleaner during the winter. Last Thursday night, council shot down Northcott's request for a staff report on options for a sidewalk clearing standard. Sandra Talbot was the only councillor to support Northcott's motion. Here's what Northcott had to say when asked about it, "Oh, I'm extremely disappointed, I'm so disappointed I think it's absolutely stupid how we, as so-called city leaders, would not even look at what could be done, or different ways to do it, because people are concerned." Northcott says he received plenty of positive feedback from the public in the days that follow Heart FM's story last week about Northcott's motion coming to council. Calls and requests for comment from councillors who voted against the motion haven't been returned today. But Northcott is taking it in stride, he joked about an e-mail he received from a citizen that pointed to recent events on the problem of snowy city sidewalks. "As the police put out a bulletin reminding people that they shouldn't ride their snowmobiles on the sidewalk, it's against the law. Well if we had a by-law and cleaned the snow off, there would be no snow on the sidewalk to run the snowmobiles."

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