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Sobeski Files Complaint Over County Closed Session Report

Mayor Pat Sobeski has officially filed a complaint with the Closed Meeting Investigator in regards to an item on the County Council closed session agenda from April 24th. Sobeski's complaint stems from the Closed Session Report on the agreement to provide compensation for unforeseen costs and obligations incurred of $160,000 to Oxford Gardens and whether it met regulatory requirements. Sobeski is questioning if proper public notice was given; if the C-A-O report qualified for a Closed Session status and if council's direction for the release of the C-A-O report as public information two weeks after the session was an acceptable time period. In a media release from the Mayor on Friday, Sobeski says the "Investigator is unable to provide commentary on the contents of the Closed Session Report and the decisions flowing from those reports. For example, while the County Public Works states the Devonshire catch basins are critical in terms of risk to Oxford County, this is contrary to the professional opinion to me by the City of Woodstock Engineering department". The review will done in confidence and upon conclusion of the investigation, the Closed Session Investigator could order their report be made public.'' UPDATE:COUNTY RESPONDS ?The County of Oxford has received the complaint filed about a closed session of County Council on April 24. We believe we acted appropriately in moving to closed session and, as stated in the Council report, it was our intention to subsequently make the report public. The report has been available on request since and is now available directly from our website. ?We are confident in the process to utilize an independent closed meeting investigator and look forward to the results of the investigation.? Peter Crockett, CAO, County of Oxford

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