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Social Planning Council Launches Website

A new website has been launched in Oxford County today, focusing on the social issues of our community. spcoxford.ca is an on-line resource centre for community members and agencies to connect on social issues. It's the brainchild of the Social Planning Council that was launched 5-months ago, thanks to a $113-thousand Trillium grant. Social Planning Coordinator Ashley Farrar is pleased with the final product. "Yes, very happy. It was a really exciting thing to let it go for the public to see. I'm hoping a lot of people will come across it in the next couple of weeks." At the same time, Farrar is also looking to improve the site in the future. "If anyone has any comments or questions about the website, or the Social Planning Council, they can feel free to contact me. My information is on the website. I'm really excited to connect with the community and hear what they have to say." It's not only a resource for those looking for information, but the website also hopes to fill a communication gap between agencies so they know what each other are doing. The first issues the site delves into looks into suicide rates, that show Oxford County has a higher rate of suicide than the provincial average, according to the latest data.

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