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South Gate Centre Expansion Update

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An expansion project from the South Gate Centre was brought to city council for consideration for a future city capital budget. They made a presentation to council last Thursday night which would double the size of their facility, including their kitchen.

WOODSTOCK - The South Gate Centre's expansion project will be referred to Woodstock City council's future budget deliberations.

They made a presentation to council last Thursday night which would see the facility double in size, including their kitchen.

Co-Chair of the South Gate Centre Board of Directors, David Hilderley says it would give their residents a chance to socialize and participate in different activities.

"One of the things that we know is our seniors like to be very active. Right now our billiard room, for example, people are standing in line waiting to play, they're very patient but it would be wonderful to expand that so that they can have those opportunities."

Hilderley says the fitness classes are full and the facility really needs more space to provide more opportunities for the members to join them.

Hilderley adds by expanding the size of their kitchen, it would allow them to continue with their business plan which evolves around catering and functions at the hall. He says it is how they generate income to keep the facility's programs running for seniors.

Mayor Trevor Birtch says the facility is an important part of the community.

"One of the things we look at is in all of our recreational opportunities in the city is being able to provide things for all the demographics, so the City has been very responsive to rejuvenating many of the neighbourhood parks for our younger members and now it's time for us to start looking at the South Gate Centre."

The estimated construction cost is approximately $6,283,989 and the estimated cost for the projected chattels of the expansion is $839,566.58, which would be funded from the South Gate Centre. Hilderley says the projected chattels are not capital expenditures.

Mayor Birtch adds that by having it in their capital budget, it'd allow the South Gate Centre to come up with the money through fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.

Perkins and Will, the architect behind the expansion, suggests an entrance way off Victoria Street and to also bring in a driveway off of Southside Park that would have good traffic flow and make it safer for entering and leaving the facility.

Hilderley says as a part of their collaboration with council, they'd ask staff to consider building the entrance way. 

"That's part of the build. What we're going to need is direction from city council in terms of how they want that organized, how they want it directed. They're the experts and we rely on their input and their guidance on this."

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