The active case count of COVID-19 in the SWPH region is now 182 after the Health Unit also reported 25 resolved cases. The biggest spike in the region right now is happening in St. Thomas.
OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - Southwestern Public Health confirmed 30 new cases of COVID-19 this morning and 25 resolved cases.
This means our active case count has risen to 182 and you can find the complete break down below;
Woodstock - 46
Blandford-Blenheim - 12
Ingersoll - 6
Zorra Township - 6
Tillsonburg - 5
South-West Oxford - 4
Norwich Township - 3
East Zorra-Tavistock - 2
St. Thomas - 65
Aylmer - 12
Dutton-Dunwich - 7
Bayham - 5
Central Elgin - 5
Malahide - 3
Southwold - 1
Seven people are currently being treated for the virus at the hospital, with one of those patients in the ICU.
Southwestern Public Health have now administered at least one dose of vaccine to 20,509 people or 11.6% of the population.
An outbreak has been declared at the Caressant Care Bonnie Place in St. Thomas and Metcalfe Gardens in St. Thomas.
You can find more information regarding local COVID-19 cases and outbreaks online here.
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