We currently have 85 active cases of COVID-19 according to Southwestern Public Health with nearly half of them in the City of Woodstock.
OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - Southwestern Public Health has confirmed 5 new cases of the virus today and 11 resolved cases.
We currently have 2 people in the hospital with the virus and none are in the ICU at the moment. The Health Unit is reporting 85 active cases with 41 in Woodstock. Here is the breakdown of the locations according to Southwestern Public Health:
Woodstock - 41
Tillsonburg -14
Ingersoll - 7
Norwich Township - 3
Zorra Township - 2
East Zorra-Tavistock - 2
Blandford-Blenheim - 1
St. Thomas - 9
Dutton/Dunwich - 3
Malahide - 1
West Elgin - 1
Aylmer - 1
The Health Unit is also reporting 3 active outbreaks at long term care homes, including 3 more cases at Caressant Care Retirement home in Woodstock:
Caressant Care Retirement Home Woodstock - 53 resident cases, 23 staff cases and 2 deaths
Valleyview Nursing Home St. Thomas - 0 resident cases, 1 staff case and 0 deaths
PeopleCare/Tavistock - 47 resident cases, 38 staff cases, 10 deaths
Please note the numbers from Long Term Care Homes are a total number of confirmed cases and do not include resolved case.
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