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StairClimb A Huge Success

Over $31,000 was raised today for United Way of Oxford County thanks to some amazing local students

WOODSTOCK - Oxford high school students didn't just beat the target set by the United Way - they surpassed it by almost a thousand dollars!

Executive Director of the United Way of Oxford Kelly Gilson says they raised almost 31 thousand dollars at the student stair climb.

"Thanks to all those high school students here in Oxford County we had a record 1265 students participate in the student stair climb today. They've raised about 30 thousand dollars for us this morning - those dollars are actually going to make a difference and change the lives of other kids here in our community. And these kids have a lot of commitment and passion for their community and I think it was really evident. It is fun and loud and boisterous and full of spirit and enthusiasm and those students really show the best colours of their school and what being young is all about and really it's just a wonderful opportunity."

I-D-C-I remains the remaining champs racking in almost 13 thousand dollars alone. The top three fundraiser's also came from I-D-C-I and those three students received a special gift of appreciation from Meridian Credit Union. Gilson says even though six school were competing, they all pulled together for one good cause.

"And that's the wonderful thing about our community: is while there's rivalry and competition between all the schools - I think any of them would love to unseat IDCI who are the reigning 12 year champs - but you don't see that when they're out there having fun. There's a real sense of camaraderie."

TVDSB Trustee Bill McKinnon also helped plump up the total by donating an extra five dollars for every grade nine participant and one dollar for all other students.



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