The Mayor of Woodstock is encouraging people to get out and vote today.
Residents of Oxford County are casting their ballots today.
The MP for Oxford and the Prime Minister of Canada will be chosen tonight, after a marathon campaign.
Mayor Trevor Birtch and his wife Cristabel Birtch went out to the polls this morning, and Cristabel says it's important to exercise your democratic right. "It's really important to go and vote because so many people have fought for our right to go and vote. Especially for us women. Women didn't start voting until the early 1900s. So I think that the most important things is for us to honour those that came before us and go out and vote."
The polls have been open since 9:30 a.m. and it's important to exercise patience as voters come out in droves. Mayor Trevor Birtch says he hopes the momentum from 9 000 advance poll ballots continues. "This was very good. It looks like voter turnout could be higher than normal for a federal election. So I'm very excited to see what this means for Oxford and what it means here locally."
The Candidates will be waiting eagerly to see the tonight's outcome. Mayor Birtch asks everyone to keep in mind how hard these people have worked. "At one of the debate I was able to make it to I was able to publicly thanks all of the candidates for the sacrifice that they've made. So think about all the candidates today and all of their hard work and make sure that you get out and vote and have your say."
Heart FM Reporters will be bringing you live updates throughout the night as the results roll in.
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