The Species at Risk team for the UTRCA is breathing a big sigh of relief today after some expensive, specialized equipment that was previously stolen has been returned.
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority is very thankful today after some expensive and rare equipment has been returned.
The specialized turtle and snake research equipment was stolen last month from the vehicle of an UTRCA employee. Scott Gillingwater says the items were eventually returned after the story was in the media.
"After the media aired the story in London last month, observant neighbours in the area of the theft found some of our missing equipment. We were so pleased to meet and thank the wonderful families that helped to return the equipment."
Gillingwater says the Species at Risk team is extremely happy to have these items back.
"We went from a really dire situation to recouping our losses over the past few weeks. We now have enough donated funds to replace any equipment that was not recovered."
On behalf of the UTRCA, Scott Gillingwater and Kaela Orton wish to thank friends, family, colleagues, community members, and people they didn't know from across Canada who shared the news story and donated time, money and items to ensure their work will continue. The SAR program operates on a tight budget, never knowing what funding will come through, so it is a huge relief to have all the stolen gear recovered or replaced.
2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the UTRCA Spiny Softshell Turtle recovery project.
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