Colourful fish will appear in Southside Park to remind us about our relationship with our waterways
WOODSTOCK - The Upper Thames Conservation Authority will be unveiling their new Stream of Dreams fence inside Southside Park in Woodstock this afternoon.
Stream of Dreams is an award winning program of watershed education through art where the goal is to help people understand their connections to water and fish habitat. Community Partnership Specialist Karlee Flear tells Heart FM the fence they are unveiling will feature 450 wooden fish painted by some up and coming local artists.
"A stream of dreams fence is a mural that is going up. The colourful fish were painted by children at the Oxford County Water Festival in May and it just serves as a reminder for the children who painted the fish and the community, about their connection to the water and how we can all make changes to protect our streams, rivers and lakes."
Flear says they are displaying the colourful fish as a public reminder of the diversity of fish species in the Thames watershed. The mural will be presented at Southside Park today at 1 p.m. and the UTCA hopes it will be stay at the Park for years to come.
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