A number of concerns are surrounding the Sifton Subdivision being proposed in Ingersoll.
INGERSOLL - Phase two of the Harrisview subdivision has come to a halt, at least until an environmental impact study can be performed.
Ingersoll council voted to defer the draft plan of the subdivision until information can be gathered on the full impact of the subdivision on an ecologically sensitive woodlot.
The woodlot is owned by Sifton Properties Limited, the developer building the Harrisview subdivision. Sifton is proposing building homes that would back onto the woodlot.
A report drafted by Stephen Couture, Oxford County Development Planner of Community and Strategic Planning determined the application from Sifton was not considered to be consistent with Provincial policy regarding development impacts affecting natural heritage features. Couture refused comment.
Mayor Ted Comiskey said,"what has to be done right now is, it's being deferred and the reason it's being deferred is because there are questions that need to be answered and that is there is a forested area that has strict guidelines to it there are some trees that need to be preserved."
Council may be taking caution when it comes to the environment but Comiskey said it's important the process moves quickly. "Something has to be decided as soon as possible for the betterment of Sifton itself, the community because we need the homes and...Maintaining that forested area."
Other concerns from residents at the public meeting regarded increased traffic, what would happen to the surrounding schools once they are full. Comiskey added that at the moment TVDSB has no plans to expand Harris Heights, "any new residential in that area once they meet the maximum children will have to be bussed to another school in the community."
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