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Supplies for Students Registration

Families in need of financial help can now register for United Way Oxford's Supplies for Students program.

OXFORD COUNTY - School has only been out for a couple of weeks now, but some parents already have back to school shopping on the brain.

Families in need of some financial help can now sign up for United Way Oxford's Supplies for Students Program.

Executive Director Kelly Gilson says you will receive a special code to shop Staples, which will let you spend $35 for a student from JK to Grade 6 or $50 for a student in Grades 7 to 12.

"If you need a more expensive backpack that's going to last you can put the money towards that because you may have loose leaf leftover, duotangs left over from the year before or whatever that may be."

Gilson adds it's a simple registration process.

"They just have to call 211; it's as easy as that. 211 is the information referral source in our community so they can call, get registered and get information on what to expect this August."

United Way Oxford is also accepting monetary donations from those who would like to help out. You can donate online here or stop by their Woodstock office at 447 Hunter Street.

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