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Support for Seniors

Seniors in Canada will be eligible for a one time tax free increase of $300 for Old Age Security and an extra $200 for Guaranteed Income Supplement.

CANADA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced more support for seniors today. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the Government of Canada is offering an extra $300 to anyone on Old Age Security. 

"This means that across the country, almost 7 million seniors will get the help that they need. To better support the most vulnerable seniors, we will also give an extra $200 to people who are eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement. So if you are receiving both OAS and GIS, you will get an additional $500 in total to help you." 

These are one time, tax free payments. 

Trudeau says they are also investing another $20 million dollars in the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

"A few weeks ago, we boosted funding so that organizations could provide delivery services and help seniors stay in touch with family during the pandemic, so we are making another investment today, to create more programs to help isolated seniors and improve their quality of life." 

Trudeau says the pandemic has shown us that we need to better taking care of our seniors.

"COVID-19 has exposed some uncomfortable truths about our society, including how we care for seniors in Canada. We have seen heartbreaking tragedies in long term care facilities and nursing homes right across the country. Overworked staff, understaffed residences, grieving families, we have serious underlying challenges facing these facilities and in the coming months, the Federal Government will be there to help the Provinces find lasting solutions." 

Trudeau says the best thing can do for seniors right now is to stay home and practice social distancing, but also to call them often, see how their doing or even write them a letter. You can listen to his full statement below.


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