All registered businesses will be getting a letter from Southwestern Public Health this week encouraging them to implement vaccination policies.
OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - Southwestern Public Health is asking all local workplaces to implement vaccination policies.
The proposal comes during the fourth wave of the pandemic and cases are rising locally with 82 active right now in the region. Local Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joyce Lock says most of the active cases are from people under 40 who are not vaccinated.
"Workplaces have worked very hard over the past 18 months to help control the spread of COVID-19, and we appreciate all you have done,” says Dr. Joyce Lock. “Now we are dealing with a very aggressive Delta variant, and this is one further step we can take to protect each other, prevent outbreaks, and prevent more restrictive measures such as closures. Our community’s recovery depends on using all the tools available to us."
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers are obligated to maintain a safe work environment and take every precaution reasonable to protect their employees. A vaccination policy is a recommended precaution to protect workplaces and employees, including staff, volunteers, on-site contractors, and other personnel from the impact of this virus.
The Health Unit submitted the letter to the local Chambers of Commerce and BIA's and all registered businesses will be getting a copy this week.
Southwestern Public Health has detailed guidance to support workplaces with putting vaccination policies in place online here.
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