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The Future Of Local Transportation

The 2019 Master Transportation Plan was recently received by Oxford County Council.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County is looking at safer, more environmentally friendly options for transportation. 

Council recently received the Master Transportation Plan, which will guide their strategy for efficient and sustainable travelling to the year 2038 and beyond.

Warden Larry Martin says it will prevent people from travelling on their own.

"It's a 20 year plan and we're looking at it and working it in stages so that we have to get our roads and infrastructure in good shape, so that we can go ahead and come up with this. And it's going to cut down on individual transportation and more into public transit and provide everybody with public transit so it'll be a lot more economical friendly and environmental friendly as well."

Warden Martin says they are looking at some transportation options.

"Well there's bus transportation, there's some car but carpooling and we're looking at, in this 20 year program, putting up carpooling stations where you can park along Highway 401 for all three and get on there. And buses from rural areas or remote areas into the urban areas so that everybody doesn't have to drive in, so if you can get 25 or 30 people on a bus instead of 25 or 30 cars coming in, you've now cut down on some of your green house gas emissions on the County as well."

The report says approximately one third of residents travel to work outside of Oxford County. A similar number of people travel into the County as well, stressing the need for more County-wide and inter-regional transportation links between Oxford communities and neighbouring regions. It also says individual car travel will be reduced by 4%, which will be achieved by enhancing active transportation like walking and cycling, as well as bus, rail and public transit options. 

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