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Tip Tuesday with Oxford OPP - July 30th 2024

Randi Crawford with the Oxford OPP was back in the Heart FM studio for the July edition of Tip Tuesday.

OXFORD COUNTY - If you notice something that shouldn't be happening, you should call police.

That was the big message to take away from the July edition of Tip Tuesday with the Oxford OPP. 

Community Safety and Media Relations Constable Randi Crawford answered a variety of questions from Heart FM listeners on the morning show today, ranging from vehicle-related noise complaints to drug use in public spaces. You can find all of the details below:

1) What can you do if you have concerns regarding pedestrian safety and erratic drivers in a small community?

Crawford says you can call the non-emergency number for your local police service and file a traffic complaint.

"You'll give details on what the incident is, we'll gather that information, and create a call for service that will be sent to the officers in the area so we can enforce that. We might not be able to enforce it that day, but it will be on our list of places to go so we can catch those offenders."

She also recommends reaching out to your local municipality to see if something could be done at that level, whether it's installing a stop sign, implementing a Community Safety Zone, etc.

2) What should a pedestrian do if they are trying to cross an intersection and they're trying to make eye contact with a vehicle, but notice they can't see the driver due to heavily tinted windows?

Crawford says it's a big red flag if you can't make eye contact with a driver.

"Tint to the point where you can't see in the car is illegal and there is a charge for that. So if you get a licence plate for that person you could call the non-emergency number for your local police service and let them know."

She says a clear windshield is best, adding some items such as dream catchers or fuzzy dice could impair your vision while you're behind the wheel.

Pedestrians should always be cautious whenever they have to cross a road. Just because you have the right of way, doesn't mean you're going to be safe, so Crawford says you should turn off your music and stay off your phone whenever you cross the road.

3) Can you be charged with going only 2km over the speed limit in a 50km/hr zone?

Crawford says the answer to this is simple... yes!

"You can be charged for going anything over, even 1km over! Typically I would say, if that happened to a person it would likely be because it was an area where there had been a lot of complaints."

She adds going 2km over the speed limit would result in a fine with no demerit points. They come into play once you're caught going 16km over the speed limit, that's when you would get a fine and three demerit points.

4) Can you call police with a noise complaint regarding a loud vehicle?

Crawford says you can and encourages people to do so.

"The Woodstock Police non-emergency number is 519-537-2323. They are my fabulous peers here in Woodstock so I am speaking on behalf of them today. They care and they work just as hard as we do with OPP and that is what we need. We need to work together! If you are out in the county, you can call 1-888-310-1122 to get ahold of Oxford OPP to give us those traffic complaints."

She adds a driver could be charged if they have an improper muffler that's causing the loud noise.

5) Is it illegal for someone to openly do drugs in public? What should I do if I witness this?

Crawford says possession of a controlled substance or an illegal drug is illegal, so you should call your local police.

"If something is happening and you are witnessing it in action, that's when you can call 911 if you think there is a safety risk to others around that person, yourself, your child, something like that. You can also call the non-emergency number to report that you've witnessed it so police can go by that area."

She adds Woodstock Police and the Oxford OPP also have the Mental Health Engagement and Response Team, also known as MHEART, to help in these situations. MHEART consists of mental health professionals who can make sure these people can get the resources they need.

With the Civic Holiday weekend also coming up, Crawford also had this traffic tip that she wanted to share with everyone.

"Drive every day like there is a police officer behind you in a marked cruiser. I witnessed everybody driving perfectly in my drive here today because I was in a marked cruiser. So we know you can do it! We know you can follow all of the rules of the road because we see it when we're following you."

She says police officers in all jurisdictions will be on the roads to make sure everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend.

The next Tip Tuesday is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th and you can submit a question online here.

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