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Tip Tuesday with Oxford OPP - September 2024

Randi Crawford with the Oxford OPP was back in the Heart FM studio for the September edition of Tip Tuesday.

OXFORD COUNTY - Passing someone at an intersection, how to dispose of drugs, and how to drive safely with your pet.

Those were the topics discussed during the September edition of Tip Tuesday with the Oxford OPP.

Community Safety and Media Relations Constable Randi Crawford answered a variety of questions on the Heart FM morning show today, and you can find all of the details below:

1) If you are at an intersection and you want to go straight, but there is someone in front of you using the left/straight-through lane to make a left-hand turn, can you use the right-hand turn lane to pass them?

If there is a lane with a specified marking telling you which way to go, Crawford says you need to obey it.

"If you are someone who decides to go in that right-hand turn lane to go around that person turning left, someone in oncoming traffic thinks you're in that right-hand lane to turn right, and if there is a collision it will be you will be at fault because you were not in the proper lane."

It's also illegal to cut through a bike lane, go on the shoulder of the road, or drive through a grassy area to pass someone. 

Crawford says you should be patient and wait behind the person who is trying to turn, even if it sets you back a couple of minutes.

2) What do you do if you find a bag of drugs? How do you dispose of it?

Crawford says you should call the non-emergency line for your local police service, whether that's the Oxford OPP or the Woodstock Police Service.

"Hopefully we will be in a capacity that we can come by and pick it up urgently. If we're not, what I suggest is making sure that you only touch that bag of drugs if you have gloves on and if you have a plastic bag to make sure you are gathering the drugs up properly."

Crawford recommends wearing two sets of gloves in this scenario so you have that extra layer of protection.

3) How do you legally drive somewhere with your dog?

Crawford says your pet should be secured inside your vehicle.

"Legally, the pet should be in your vehicle and secured. So I know there are a lot of pet stores that sell restraints to make sure your dog or your cat is secure in your vehicle."

She adds having your dog on your lap is distracted driving. 

If someone was driving a pickup truck with their dog in the flatbed, Crawford says that qualifies as having an insecure load. If you were to get into a crash, not only could the dog be ejected from the vehicle and become harmed, but it could also hit another vehicle and harm someone else.

Crawford ended the Tip Tuesday with a couple of reminders for the people of Oxford County.

- Operation Clear Track starts this week in North America.

Crawford says this initiative is all about reducing preventable injuries and deaths on railroad tracks.

She says you should always look twice before crossing a railroad track, and obey the lights at railroad crossings.

"If a light is there and it doesn't seem to be working, don't take a chance and try to get through it quickly. Call police to let them know that the light doesn't seem to be working properly so we can take the right actions to make sure. Just turn around and go a different way."

Crawford says pedestrians should never walk along a railroad track and they should never cross one unless it has a marked crossing area.

- Drive Smart, Keep it Safe starts this week in Southwestern Ontario.

Crawford says this initiative focuses on stunt driving and vehicles with illegal modifications.

"So anyone who has a modified vehicle, if they are not in the legal parameters, you may be getting pulled over and you may have an investigation done. You could be charged or it could be just an education piece at this point."

She says illegally modified vehicles can compromise your visibility and your maneuverability. If you have an illegally modified car you would like to take to a racetrack, Crawford says you should transport it there on a trailer.

The next Tip Tuesday is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29th and you can submit a question online here.

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