Premier Ford is pleading with Farmers in Windsor-Essex to get your workers tested, says he will use every tool at this disposal if they continue to not cooperate.
ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario announced today that Toronto and Peel Region can move into Stage 2 on Wednesday.
This means the only area of the Province that will remain in Stage 1 is Windsor-Essex. Premier Doug Ford says today's announcement is based on positive local trends of key public health indicators, including lower transmission of COVID-19, ongoing hospital capacity, public health capacity to do rapid case and contact management, and a significant increase in testing.
"Today's announcement is another sign that we continue to make steady progress. We have been working hand-in-hand with our municipal partners and local public health units to safely and gradually reopen the province. We will do everything we can to get our final region, Windsor-Essex, into Stage 2 as soon as possible. That's why we are ramping up testing and inspections on Ontario's farms to protect workers and keep our food supply chains strong and healthy."
Toronto Public Health and Peel Public Health will enter Stage 2 on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. They will join the 31 other public health regions that entered Stage 2 on June 12 and 19, 2020.
Windsor-Essex will remain in Stage 1 and the situation in the region will continue to be assessed on an ongoing basis. To ensure the region is able to move forward as soon as it is safe to do so, the province is building on the work completed by Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to date and collaborating with federal and local authorities to support the implementation of a targeted and collaborative response.
Ford is pleading with farmers in Windsor Essex to cooperate and convince your workers to get tested.
"I gotta emphasize, there is no secret, I love the farmers, but guys, you have to help us here, we are sending in units, I'm going to tell it the way it is, farmers are not cooperating, they are sending out the people to get tested, we have to bang our heads off the wall to figure out why. It is good for the farmers, good for the workers, good for the food supply chain on safety. They are phenomenal people down there, great farmers, but until you cooperate, we can't force people to get tested."
Ford says it is not fair to the people of Windsor.
"It's not fair to the people of Windsor, it's not fair to other people, it's fair to the region, the businesses by not getting the workers tested. It's very simple we will send in the units, the mobile units, we are going to give it another shot, we will keep trying, we won't give up but then we are going to have to pull out other tools. Every time, I plea for things to get done, then I will go to the extreme, whatever I tool I have to protect the people of Windsor and the food supply chain and the farmers and the workers, I will start pulling out every tool I have at my disposal to make sure this gets done. It's just not fair what you are doing right now, simple as that."
You can listen to Fords comments below:
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