Local tourism operators have until this Friday to sign up for Southwest Tourism Day at the Thames River Melons on Wednesday, June 1st.
INNERKIP - Tourism operators across Ontario's Southwest will gather in Innerkip in order to celebrate the industry.
The Ontario Southwest Tourism Corporation will host its Tourism Day at the Thames River Melons on Wednesday, June 1st. Executive Director Joanne Wolnik says it's open to everyone in the industry in Oxford County and beyond.
"Operators, employers, and people who work in tourism and hospitality. We have a lot of really incredible tourism operators within the region and this is an opportunity for us all to come back together to connect. We have all been behind screens and masks for a long time, so we want to have a nice, safe, and outdoor event where everybody can come back together to reconnect."
She adds it's the perfect networking opportunity for everyone in the industry, whether they've been in it for a while or they're just starting out.
"It's an opportunity for us all to reconnect in person and celebrate all of the tenacity of the tourism stakeholders. We really want to welcome new people into this incredible industry as well. It could be through work, job opportunities, or using tourism as a way to diversify business and attract new visitors from away to their business."
Local tourism operators have until Friday. May 27th to register for the event online here.
Ontario's Tourism Day also coincides with Canadian Tourism Week, which kicks off on Sunday, May 29th and wraps up on Saturday, June 4th.
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