Time to clean out those closets and storage sheds as Trashapaloozaha comes to Woodstock.
WOODSTOCK - It's Woodstock's turn to host a Trashapaloozaha event,
This Saturday, May 7th Trashapaloozaha will be coming to the Woodstock Fairgrounds.
At this time you're encouraged to find all those items you no longer use, but someone else might like to have. You drop that item off, and you're welcome to look around and see if there's an item someone else has brought that you could find a use for.
Event co-chair and OPAL President Bryan Smith says even items you think may be beyond use can find new life.
"If you have some clothing that is ripped beyond wearing that cloth can go and be reprocessed. We have an arrangement with Good Will and another group called Feed the Hungry Children - they take that kind of cloth and make sure it ends up reprocessed and reused in clothing or other uses of cloth."
The day will also feature composting demonstrations. People will be able to learn how to make their own compost for their gardens. There will also be live folk music preformed by volunteers from the Woodstock Environmental Action Committee.
Smith says Trashapaloozaha sends a message about waste diversion in Oxford County.
"It's making a statement to anyone and everyone, the companies that want to put a private dump in and the Ministry of the Environment, that if other regions were doing much more diversion, if they were rethinking what they do with the things they are done with, then we wouldn't need the dumps that the minister seems to be saying that we might need down the road."
The event kicks off at 8 a.m. in the cattle barn at the Woodstock Fairgrounds. Item drop off will run until 2 p.m. and the entire event will close at 4 p.m.
It is a free event.
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