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TVDSB Grades Will be Available in September

Teachers have been told not to share the final grades with parents and marks will not be available in the Thames Valley District School Board until September.

Parents in Oxford County won't know what their child's marks were for this year until September.

Earlier this week the board issued a release saying they will be sending a letter home on Friday indicating if your child has passed or failed and their attendance record, however the letter will not include exact marks. Today Director of Education Laura Elliott has issued a statement saying “By September 2015, parents/guardians will be able to visit their child’s school to receive a summary of the marks submitted by teachers at the end of this school year.”

Parents are also being told to monitor their child's school web site where more details will be posted as they become available. Elliott stated in an email to Heart FM “Our decision to provide student marks comes after learning that the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) provincial instructed teachers not to provide or discuss student marks with parents – in contrast to earlier statements made by the union.”

Parents/guardians will still receive the student placement letter on Friday, June 19, which remains the official end of year report for students. However exact marks will not be available until September.

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