TVDSB High school teachers will not be taking part in staff meetings, professional development days, or filling in for principals or vice principals
High school teachers with the Thames Valley District school board have started a work to rule campaign.
While a deal was reached with the province before the school year the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation still needs to iron out a local contract with the TVDSB. Spokesperson for the OSSTF Earl Burt tells Heart FM what some of the stumbling blocks are right now as they try to hammer out a deal.
"The board is pressing for very significant concessions in a number of areas, things that teachers and occasional teachers have had in the collective bargaining agreement for a very long time that they want to remove."
Burt notes parents and teachers won't really notice much of a difference with the work to rule campaign which started on Monday. It includes things like not attending staff meetings, professional development days, learning plans and not filling in for principals or vice principals when asked.
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