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Two Flag Raisings in Downtown Woodstock

Flags will be raised today for the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence as well as the Wrapped in Courage Campaign.

WOODSTOCK - A couple of flag raisings will be taking place today in hopes of shining a light on gender based violence.

The Zonta Club of Woodstock will be raising it's orange flag at Museum Square at 10 a.m. today, in order to mark the beginning of the 16 Days of Activisim Against Gender Based Violence.

The local campaign is a partnership between the Zonta Club of Woodstock and the Domestic Asssault Resource Team of Oxford, also known as DART Oxford.

The Wrapped in Courage flag will also be raised at the Oxford County Adminsitration Building at 12:00 p.m. today. Purple scarves are being sold in Oxford with all of the proceeds doing to Domestic Abuse Services Oxford. You can read more about the local Wrapped in Courage Campaign online here.

Rubelyn Smith, Vice President-Zonta Club of Woodstock and Zonta Says NO Woodstock Campaign Chair, invites everyone to do their part to shine a light on gender based violence.

“Now, more than ever let’s come together as a community to unite and raise our voices to bring awareness to this issue. Let’s do our part to advocate on behalf of gender-based violence survivors.”

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