The hospital in Ingersoll will provide paediatric clinics and a Specialty Wound Care and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading Clinic for patients starting this year.
INGERSOLL - Two new programs are starting this year at the Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll.
Dr. Gary Tithecott is now providing paediatric clinics at AHI for patients and families of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg and Oxford County. Dr. Tithecott is a graduate of Western University and completed his fellowship in Halifax and Toronto. He has been practicing in paediatric's for over 30 years.
President and CEO of the hospitals in Tillsonburg and Ingersoll Sandy Jansen says this is great news for families who will no longer have to travel to London.
"For many of these families, they would be travelling into London, paying for parking and all of those things that go along with going into the big Health Sciences Centre. Now they can see a specialist, who is very skilled and get the same care that they would potentially be getting in a big academic health sciences centre."
The other program is the Oxford County Specialty Wound Care and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading Clinic. Currently, the only specialized wound care clinic serving the south west region resides in London, at St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Parkwood Institute.
Dr. Punkuj Chawla, who is certified with the International Interdisciplinary Wound Care Program, and holds a focused practice designation in wound care, has worked in conjunction with the South West Regional Wound Care Program to strengthen his current specialty wound care practice and to expand his practice to include the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading Program. The Diabetic Foot Offloading Program is a research validated best practice patient care pathway for the purpose of healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers.
Chief Program Development and System Transformation of Alexandra Hospital Jennifer says they are thrilled to have both of these services in Ingersoll.
“These new and exciting programs demonstrate that Alexandra Hospital is in a strong position to continue to provide exceptional health care to Ingersoll and our surrounding communities, bringing patients care close to home. We are attracting talented physicians and health care leaders with new ideas and equipping our hospital with programs, services and advanced technology that mirrors that found in larger centres.”
AHI is also leading the way with the implementation of electronic clinical documentation, also known as One Chart. This new technology will mean that doctors and nurses will document in the electronic health record details of a patient’s visit, rather than writing the information down on paper charts.
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