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Two New Witnesses For The Defense

The John Robinson trial continued Friday with morning testimony from doctor Michael Shkrum a pathologist. Defence attorney Anik Morrow showed doctor Shkrum a head model with recorded scalp lacerations. The doctor determined the injuries appeared to be caused by a small skinny blunt object with a relatively sharper edge. He told the court he would characterize the injuries as minor scalp injuries due to the lack of any other injuries including fractures. The doctor did admit that it is harder to determine the full extent of injuries after decomposition has taken place. Due to evidence Doctor Shkrum concluded blunt force trauma was not the cause of death. When asked by Morrow about other possible causes of death including extinguination, being buried alive and natural causes, the doctor said there was no evidence to suggest any. Clifford Fair's former employer Mr. De Vor took to the stand in the afternoon. He told the court Fair worked for him for 6 years. He admitted to the court he know of Fair's drinking habits and tried to get into rehab, but Fair declined to attend. De Vor told the court the last time he worked with Fair was September 17th and 18th, but the last time he saw Fair alive was September 20th. The court heard that Fair had several facial wounds and a shoulder wound two weeks prior to September 20th. During cross examination De Vor said Fair was a "super good worker," who was always happy and polite to customers. Previous testimony from the accused John Robinson painted Fair as a fighter. De Vor however said in 6 years he never knew Fair to be violent. Due to scheduling conflicts the trial will resume on Wednesday. The accused John Robinson has pled not guilty to the murder of Clifford Fair.

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