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Two Vehicle Crash Near Teeterville

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Both drivers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries after a two vehicle crash at the intersection of Brantford Road and Teeterville Road.

TEETERVILLE - Two people are facing minor injuries after a two vehicle collision at the intersection of Brantford Road and Teeterville Road. 

Both drivers were injured in the crash on Sunday afternoon. Constable Ed Sanchuk says they do want to encourage motorists to slow down and be aware of your surroundings. 

"If you are not familiar with the area, please slow down and pay attention. When you come to a stop sign, please take those few extra seconds to look, before you proceed, it could be the different between being involved in a collision or not being involved in a collision. In this case here, we are very fortunate that their are only minor injuries associated with this car crash, however this crash could have been avoided, by taking those few extra seconds to look, before you proceed."

Both drivers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries as a result of this collision. 

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