Local charities have until October 7th to submit a Statement of Interest to receive funding from United Way Oxford.
OXFORD - United Way Oxford is now accepting Statements of Interest from local charities.
The Statements of Interest are the first step in a two-step process to receive funding from United Way Oxford so the organization can ensure the best delivery of services to support those most vulnerable across Oxford.
Executive Director Kelly Gilson says the full applications begin after their 25 volunteers review and approve the initial statements. She says it's set up this way to be as efficient as possible.
"It's not easy to apply for funding. We're here to work with any organization to help them through that process."
The deadline for the Statements of Interest will be October 7, but it won't be until March 2023 that the full process is over and funding is announced. Over 1,200 volunteer hours are committed to ensuring that United Way makes the best decisions for the community by funding those organizations that are best positioned for success and impact.
Gilson says after all, 100 percent of the money raised stays in the community, and there is never enough money raised for all the investable causes in the County.
"The more we raise, the better impact we can have and the more expansive support we can give to these amazing organizations that are serving our community."
The online application can be accessed online here.
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